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We will be happy to provide you with an estimate for your project and assist you with any questions or inquiries that you may have. Simply answer the questions below and we will get back to you shortly.
First name
Last name
Product name (you may paste the product's URL in this box)
Product color
Product size
Please select your nearest store Please SelectVancouver - 133 W 5th AveSurrey - 7615 King George Blvd.
What is the best way to reach you? Please SelectPhoneEmail
If you choose to be contacted by phone, when is the best time to reach you? Please SelectBetween 9am and 12pmBetween 12pm and 2pmBetween 2pm and 5pmBetween 5pm and 8pm
Is your inquiry related to a Residential or Commercial project? Please SelectCommercialResidential
What is the approximate square footage of flooring required?